How to Stand Out at Work

Leece Norman
3 min readAug 3, 2021

So, it’s happened again. Someone else took credit for the work you have been doing. Or perhaps this time you were passed over for a promotion even though you were instrumental in making the third quarter the best quarter the company has had in years. If you’re tired of that happening to you, it’s time to take some action and stand out to influential people at your company.

Standing out for the right reasons can sometimes be difficult, especially if you’re someone that happens to be quieter in nature. So how do you get your boss to notice the work you’ve been doing or to be known among your coworkers?

First, it’s important to prove your worth. Be honest with yourself: Are you the type of employee that does only exactly what is asked and expected of you? While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it is one way to blend in with the crowd or be an average employee.

One way to stand out is to be willing to take the initiative at work and figure things out for yourself. If you think something can be improved upon, ask questions and share suggestions. While your suggestions may not be taken, at least you will be noticed for your eye for detail and willingness to improve things for the company. You need to be willing to speak up and do more than the bare minimum that’s expected, even if it’s in little ways, like actively participating in meetings.

While I am asking you to do more than what’s expected, I’m not one to promote an unhealthy work culture. I believe that people should work hard, but also have a good work-life balance or a healthy work-life integration. However, it is important that you do more than coast by. You need to be willing to speak up for what you believe in or to ask questions instead of sitting idly by hoping to figure it out on your own later.

Next, it’s important that you socialize with all levels of people at your company. It’s easier to socialize with the people you work directly with on a day to day basis, but go out of your way to talk to everyone. Wish people a good morning when you pass them in the hall. Go to the company parties and talk with a new table of people that you’ve only seen in passing. Volunteer to help out with the charity event that the Marketing team is putting together. (Trust me — they appreciate it!) Showing your face and being kind to everyone will leave a good impression, even on people who don’t work directly with you. The professional world is not only about the work you do, it’s also about who knows you (not necessarily who you know).

Overall, the most important thing you can do is to show up. Show up to meetings and speak up while you’re there instead of waiting until the end when it’s just one on one. Ask questions and be active in conversations. Know that your opinion is valid and you’ll be noticed a lot more speaking up (while being professional, of course) than to keep quiet. Take it upon yourself to do these things and you’ll be noticed for your kindness as well as your hard work.



Leece Norman

I help brands with their online presence through content marketing & web copy. Let’s work together: @LeeceWrites on IG